Thursday, May 22, 2014

5 Things People Needs to Stop Doing... According to ME

It takes a lot to really bother me. But goodness gracious, some things really DO bug me. Here are my top 5. These are 5 things that people need to stop doing according to Jenn Ariza :)

1. Using the word "literally" in the wrong context- It is not "literally" a million degrees outside, your brain is not "literally" going to explode, you are not "literally" starving, that baby is not "literally" the cutest baby ever... have you seen all of the babies in the world? Are you sure they are the cutest? People need to literally stop saying this word to explain literally every story or literally stop saying it multiple times in a sentence. Literally.

2. Justifying eating crap food by saying "Well I worked out this morning so I 'earned' it"- No you did not EARN the right to eat that deep fried twinkie. The reason why you worked out is because you are doing your part in living a healthy lifestyle. If  you want to eat something that is completely unhealthy, don't think you earned the "right". You are doing it simply because you are craving it. I exercise on a regular basis and eat as well as I can.... but sometimes, that donut calls my name and I go for it. Not because I've "earned" it, but because it's one of my favorite things to eat and it makes me happy. Keep working out and being conscience of what you eat, but please don't eat crap BECAUSE you work out and use that as a justification so you won't feel guilty. Just do it because you want to in that given moment. No one is judging :)

3. Stop asking me "When is YOUR wedding?"- Umm... awkward question! I am single and have been in my share of weddings and have friends left and right that are getting hitched (which is awesome). When others give me the sympathetic tilt of their head to the side and ask when MY wedding is, I'm left speechless.

"Umm when I find someone I want to spend the rest of my life with?"
"If I knew the answer to that, don't you think you would've known already?"

People need to stop asking me when it's MY turn. Don't know, don't care. It will happen when it will happen. Until then, yes I will attend your wedding or say yes to being in your wedding. You are awesome and you have found someone awesome. I support you.

4. Stop asking, "So you're a vegetarian? So you don't eat cheese?"- Alright people, there is a difference between vegetarian and vegan. Also, when people learn that I don't eat meat, they still question me like I have no idea what my dietary lifestyle is! The following is an example (SERIOUSLY) of what a lot of my conversations entail. I promise I have had this conversation multiple times!!!!

Me- "I'm a vegetarian."
Person- "Wait... vegetarian or VEGAN?" (asking me like I don't already know the difference)
Me- "Vegetarian"
Person- "So like you don't eat dairy? I COULD NEVER DO THAT."
Me- "I'm vegetarian, which means I don't eat meat. Vegans don't eat animal products. I'm not a vegan."
Person- "So like NO meat at all? Not even chicken? Isn't that SO HARD? How do you it?"

It's not wrong to ask about my reasons for choosing my diet options. Really, I encourage it! But please don't try to shame me or don't ask me to clarify what I do or do not eat as if I'm not educated enough to know the difference between vegan or vegetarian.

5. Don't say "I'll pray for you" when you know you won't- Christians have a tendency to throw that saying out there frequently. Maybe it's to give their friend a piece of mind, or maybe because it just looks like you are in constant prayer. And hey, if you are going to follow through and pray for someone, awesome. But I've noticed that us Christians throw that saying out there when in reality, we will forget, we don't care, or we don't pray in the first place. Before you throw the "Aww I'll pray for you" phrase out there, think before you say it and make sure you actually make a conscience effort to follow through with your promise. Don't say it just to say it.

Now that you know that when I tell you that I'm praying for you, you better BELIEVE that I'm actually doing it!

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