There are a few statements that I have gotten used to saying throughout my life time:
"Yes, we're twins."
"No, I'm not Jessica. I'm Jennifer."
"No, social workers do not just take babies from homes."
"I am a Seventh-Day Adventist. We're like Jews but not really."
"Just because I'm a vegetarian, doesn't mean all I eat are carrots and apples."
"No, I'm not married. Yes, I'm single...and yes I am happy about that. Like really, I am!"
It is a common assumption to make about a 20 something year old female that she is married. If not married, engaged. If not engaged, in a relationship. Very common indeed. When I was younger, I used to think that by college graduation day, I would have a ring on my left hand and a diploma in my right. Planning my wedding the same time as planning my next professional step after college.
BOY am I glad things didn't go my way!
Let me elaborate:
Selflessness- HUGE factor in making a relationship happy and functional. Like straight up. In relationships, you find yourself thinking about the other person.
What do they like? Don't like? Does he like my hair better up or down? This certain trait of mine bugs him a little bit, I should change that. Christmas is coming up, I should get them something nice. What are THEIR feelings? What makes THEM happy? Where do THEY see themselves living in 3 years? I love Thai food, but he hates it. Welp, guess we cant go there for dinner. Greattttt.
Nothing wrong with selflessness. It's a humbling trait that our heavenly Father encourages us to practice DAILY and to even better our walk with Him. Selflessness (in relationship terms) is a beautiful thing. Putting the needs of the person you love in front of your own is absolutely wonderful.
But what if I don't want to be selfless? I am at a point in my life where I have the liberty to think about myself and only myself.
My goals,
my career,
my dreams, where
I would like to eventually end up or be in one year from now, learning new things that
I can eventually apply when I
do become a wife,
I want to travel, travel,
me, me, me. I'm too selfish right now to think of anybody else. I am very content being in a state where I can just think about my needs and my wants and not feel bad about it. When I am in a relationship, I put 1000% and if I get into one in this mindeset, disaster will happen.
NOTE: It is important to be willing to be selfless when coming into a relationship. If you're not willing.... not gonna work. I guarantee it.
But, I don't have the energy nor the desire to do that quite yet. There's nothing wrong with that.... right?
So there you go, world. Don't feel sorry for me. To answer your question. I
am single and
very happy... and yes! That's possible! I promise! This is my time and I am confident to say that the Lord will send me someone in
HIS timing and at a time when
HE knows I will be willing and ready to be in a state of selflessness which I'm hoping will
Until then, I'll be the girl goin on dates, picking up and leaving town whenever I feel the need, possibly planning on moving to Canada if I want to.... single and feeling blessed :)