Sunday, October 9, 2011

I'm listening....

So I talked with family.

Some changes will be taking place soon.

So great to have insight from some people I trust the most.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Keepin busy....

Life has been workin out pretty great for me. For those of you who know me, know that I like to keep busy... good thing? bad thing? Not sure, but it's who I am.

Work has been great. I work as a front desk receptionist for an Orthopedic Surgeon's office and it has been pretty fun. Learning a lot and loving the busy-ness of it all. On my days off, I volunteer at a family agency along with other social workers and learning more about the system and how low income families and individuals seek assistance such as medicaid, welfare, food stamps, etc. I've been learning a lot and everyone there has been so helpful. I am tutoring kids from church a couple times a week which has been great because I get to brush up on my algebra and English grammar rules (which I can't complain about!). I also do my best to stay fit and active and finding time to work out when I find a chance. I also work at a farmer's market/pumpkin patch for 8 hours on Sundays in the sun which has been a lot of fun, but tiring. But hey, we sell donuts and cider so what up!

What can I say, God has been blessing for sure. However, daily, I ask myself (and God), am I doing what I am supposed to be doing? Am I where I need to be? Am I making the best decisions in life right now? SHOULD I be in Vegas? Where am I going to be in 6 months? 8 months? 1 year from now? I am here living at home, working in a field I didn't get a degree in to save up money until I figure out what to do as my next step and can start my actual career as a Social Worker elsewhere.

Because I'm human, asking these questions to myself absolutely freak me out. Where my mind is at right now is working, but having fun. I want to travel, see the world, but I have work the next day at 7 am and have bills to pay! Along with those unwlecomed and dreaded school loans I need to start paying. Freakin a.

All in all, I am a happy woman right now. I just need to know that I am where the Lord wants me and needs me to be. How do I know for sure? I don't yet. But I'm listening and I'm keeping Him involved in my plans. He is molding my plans into what He knows is best for me, and I must say that that thought helps me sleep at night.

That is my life update. Busy, questioning, but happy.You know how I do.