Tuesday, November 16, 2010

little people.

I have had many times in my life where I had to interact with children (who hasn't?). I have helped out in Vacation Bible Schools, my profession throughout my teenage years was babysitting. I've worked at Summer camp and became their "teacher", "mommy", "coach", "big sister", and "mentor" every day of the week.

Interning at a children's shelter as part of my requirement to graduate with social work has been enlightening for me because I have remembered something that I have forgotten for years because Ive been too caught up with surrounding myself with people my age....

                                                   Oh my heck, I LOVE KIDS.

I love people. I love being around them. I also love kids and in the last two months, I have realized something... children are little people. DUH. I feel like I sometimes forget that kids are the same species as "grown ups". Kids are just like me and you- but more fun, more adventerous, funnier, more humble, and just overall better human beings. Being with kids for a good chunk of my week teaches me lessons. I remind myself to remember what life was like for me when I was in their shoes. Life was just this big ball of people telling me what to do, schedules, rules, dirt, wearing clothes that I had no say in, and innocence.
I have reminded myself that these kids are people just like me but smaller-and cooler. They need someone to listen and talk with them, not talk at them. They need guidance, not just rules. Being with kids again have reminded me of one main thing: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE CHILDREN. I just love them. I look forward to seeing them and having crazy conversations with them about things that are of no importance. However, some conversations that I have with kids are actually quite enlightening. I forget that they DO have a mind of their own- and it's wonderful. No wonder my very own Jesus told us to be like children- they are simple, smart, and rad.
I have grown a whole new love for these little people and because of them, I feel like I have become just a little better of a person. Kids are the world's reminders that there are still good things in this crummy world, and they have no idea. It is a beautiful thing.

PS. This blog entry is in no way an implication that I am in a rush to have my own child. :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thoughts of a Confused College Senior.

I still have so much living to do! This is the very thought that has been in my mind for the last week. I have had a few conversations with people this week and the more I talk about my future, the more I see of what oppurtunities are out there. I have just been told about a website called www.idealist.org and this is website about a non porfit organization in the states where people are given the chance to make a difference. Yes, the phrase "make a difference" sounds pretty cheesy but that is exactly why I am pursuing a career in- making a difference. I haven't fully understood everything about the website and specifically WHAT I would be signing up for if I did, but that is what is so exciting. These are just ideas that I have been having. I have also been looking into joining Americorps. This is also an organization that helps communities in need. These are just a couple of things I have looked up. Im not sure how certain I am about signing up to any of these options anytime soon, but hey, at least my mind is being creative with ideas for my future- and it's terrifying! And exciting all at the same time.

Am I just getting ahead of myself? Am I just going through a phase or a "mood" about all of this excitement? Maybe- but oh well. I have realized that I have not done as much living as I was aware of. I have have not traveled much. I have never fully lived on my own. I don't even keep track of my checkbook! I still have plenty of living and brainstorming to do about life and I'm just living it one day at a time. Life is so unpredictable and it never stops being unpredictable. Heck, I thought my life would be pretty different by this time a year ago- but hey, things happen.  Goodness, maybe this time by next week, I'll be thinking about joining the Navy and becoming a nurse or something (no way in heck that will be happening, but you get my drift). So for now, I'm going to keep googeling online and praying for oppurtunities for my future.

Now, I wonder what is life like in Canada, or Ireland.... or how about Arkansas?...

Monday, November 8, 2010

the magic box.

Another week? Yuck. Another week of tv shows? Not yuck. Looking  forward to the week just for my tv shows. I count down the days for each one of them.


                                                                   Modern Family

                                                                         Greys Anatomy
                                                                     Private Practice
The Office

And not enough people know about this show (as well as Cougartown). Started in the summer.
It's a good one. Counting down to January when this show starts Season 2. Cant wait!

                                                                       Royal Pains

Let the week begin. Oh joy.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

the unknown.

I woke up this morning (when I could have easily slept in and slept 12 hours) wondering about my future and the next chapter in my life. Wondering where I will be in a few months when I get that diploma and start the next step in life. So much stress enough for me to roll out of bed, go online, and see what jobs are out there. My life has recently made some changes and walking into the unknown of the future is never calming. But I am ready to swing at what balls come to me. After talking with family, praying, looking at jobs in different states throughout the country and imagining myself living there, the anxiety turned into excitement. The world is my playground and im ready for recess... sorta.